get lit! literary program intern experience

The Get Lit! Festival is an annual literary festival that takes place in Spokane, WA every April, featuring author readings, craft classes, discussions, and more. In my role as an intern for EWU’s Get Lit! Programs, I completed tasks to prepare for and assist with the virtual 2021 Get Lit! Festival:

work samples

I enjoyed all of the work I completed during my internship experience, as my different tasks gave me more opportunities to apply my classroom knowledge to a real-world organization. I especially enjoyed these writing and design tasks.

press release

See the press release announcing the virtual 2021 Get Lit! Festival.

social media communications

I added festival event information and links across Get Lit!’s social media platforms. I created events in Eventbrite, wrote event summary copy, and published events. On Get Lit!’s Facebook page, I added event information and important links to Eventbrite and Sched. On the main festival schedule site, Sched, I added links to all corresponding Facebook events, updated streaming links to the YouTube channel, and edited event information to include pertinent details for festival attendees.

webpage update

I updated the Get Lit! Shop merchandise webpage using the Get Lit! admin WordPress account.

grant narrative

I wrote a 75-word grant narrative for Get Lit!’s application to the Arts Fund Grant:

Get Lit! strives to promote the power of literature and unique literary voices in our community and beyond. This funding would alleviate the financial burden on local sponsors, provide base funds for next year’s in-person festival, and enable our director to focus on coordinating another diverse lineup of events and authors. After extended hardships brought on by the pandemic, our rejuvenated festival will bring people together, celebrate literature, and ultimately give back to our community.

designs for social media promotions

I created several promotional flyers and materials for Get Lit!’s social media platforms.